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The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides information on additional resources available to students with disabilities.

For more information, view the Disability Resources Brochure Guide (PDF).


Aira, a San Diego-based startup, leverages wearable technology, artificial intelligence and live, human agents, to deliver real-time visual description for people who are blind or have low vision. UC San Diego is the first university to join the Aira Campus Network, offering access to the pioneering accessibility technology to vision impaired members of its entire campus community including students, staff, and faculty.

The Aira Access Card (PDF) can be printed out and distributed as an instructional reminder on how a new user can get set up with Aira.

The Aira Cheat Sheet (PDF) provides basic information on how to get started with Aira and what Aira agents can and cannot do.

Commencement Activities Information

UC San Diego welcomes people with disabilities in our commencement ceremonies and celebrations by providing physical and program accessibility. For specific accommodations, please contact your student's college.

Department of Rehabilitation

The Department of Rehabilitation can assist students with disabilities in acquiring textbooks, adaptive technology, specialized software, and other supports.

UC San Diego students should contact Esther Bazalaki to register:

For more information, visit

Emergency Preparedness

UC San Diego has emergency evacuation and preparedness plans in place for all campus members.  A service the university offers to students, parents and families is a text-messaging alert system, as well as information availability of the UC San Diego website.  The OSD recommends students and dependents with disabilities sign up for this service and plan for emergency evacuation of classrooms, departments and campus living locations. For more information, see Emergency Preparedness on Blink.

Be prepared:

On and Off Campus Resources

The UC San Diego community offers a variety of resources that will assist students to succeed in their academics while making the student feel at home.


Register to Vote

For information on how to register to vote, go to:

Rentals for Wheelchairs and Crutches

Mobility Source: (619) 234-9505

CVS Pharmacy (Clairemont Dr.): (858) 273-5300

Apria Health Care: (858) 653-6800

All Home: (858) 769-0444

Ride Services

Triton Transit: Mobility

If you are a student, staff or faculty member with a disability, Triton Transit: Mobility can help you travel between ADA-compliant locations on the La Jolla campus via a wheelchair-accessible van or cart.

To learn more, visit the Triton Transit: Mobility page.

Community Service Officials (CSO)

The police department employs currently enrolled UC San Diego students as Community Service Officials (CSO) who provide many safety-related services, including:
  • Escorting UC San Diego students, faculty and staff to their campus destinations at night
  • Patrolling parking lots
  • Locking buildings
  • Assisting with medical emergencies (all CSOs are trained in CPR/First Aid)
  • Providing security support at campus events

To learn more, visit the CSO page.

Text to 9-1-1

Text to 9-1-1 is now available in San Diego County, including UC San Diego.

Calling is still the fastest way to reach 9-1-1. However, texting may be the better option if you are:
  • Deaf, hard of hearing, non-verbal or have difficulty speaking
  • In a situation where it's not safe to call 9-1-1
  • Having a medical emergency and cannot speak on the phone


How to text

  1. Type 9-1-1 in the "To" field.
  2. Give your location and nature of your emergency.
  3. Respond to any questions and follow instructions.

More information can be found at the crime reporting webpage.

Additional Resources

Accessibility Training

Why Captions Are Essential

This entry in the Accessibility Awareness video series provides a brief overview of why captions are an essential component of both live and asynchronous media.

Training Videos for Faculty

UCSF Medical Student Disability Services (MSDS) and UCSF Student Disability Services (SDS) in partnership with colleagues from around the country (Case Western Reserve University, Duke University, Northwestern University, Rush University College of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, The University of Washington, and Weill Cornell Medicine and Samuel Merritt University), developed The UCSF Faculty Training Series, an eight part online, video training series to guide faculty who work with students with disabilities. New modules will be posted each month.

UC Online Training Courses for Accessibility

UC has procured short, online training courses developed by our accessibility partner, Siteimprove. These courses will teach you how to make accessible documents, videos, PDFs, and much more. 

Read about the accessibility courses

Scholarships and Fellowships

Swim with Mike

Scholarships for student athletes with physical disabilities.


For more information, visit: