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Types of Accommodations

Accommodations Provided Directly by the OSD

Adaptive Technology

The OSD provides access to adaptive technology on campus including Kurzweil, JAWS, Dragon Naturally Speaking, etc. For further information and assistance, please contact the OSD at 858.534.4382 or and schedule an appointment with Adrian Contreras, Support Services Coordinator.

Alternative Formats

Students who require alternative formats (Electronic texts, Braille, large print) as an accommodation must plan ahead. Students will work in collaboration with Adrian Contreras, Support Services Coordinator, to obtain alternative formats. To schedule appointments with Adrian, please contact the OSD at 858.534.4382 or

Students must enroll in classes, obtain Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letters, and acquire course materials before alternative formats can be provided.

Bring with you to your appointment:

  • Your required text(s)
  • Receipts that you purchased the text(s) (No rented or borrowed books)
  • A flashdrive

Captioning and Sign Language Interpreting Services

Students requesting captioning or sign language interpreting services must complete the OSD intake process and obtain Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letters each quarter.

In addition to required Student Forms and Forms for Medical Professionals, students must provide a copy of an audiogram or other appropriate paperwork to document current functional limitations due to an auditory processing disorder.


Submitting requests



Your Disability Specialist will assist you in determining if note-taking would be helpful for a particular course. For example, most labs, seminars, open discussion forums, performance art (dance) and conversational courses are not suited for note-taking. Your Disability Specialist will help you explore other accommodation options (such as audio recordings of lectures).

Students have two options for securing notes for classes and must choose only one note-taking option for each course. The selected note-taking option will be listed on the AFA letter.

If a student withdraws from or drops a class and has put in a request or is receiving notes, the student must notify the OSD immediately at and notify us of the change.

Self-Selected Note-takers

  • Students may choose to find a classmate to serve as a note-taker; this is the fastest and most effective way to secure a note-taker.
  • Note-takers need to email to receive instructions.

Peer Note-takers (OSD solicited and selected)

  • The student needs to fill out the Note Taking Request Form
  • The OSD will make best efforts to secure note-takers in a timely manner
  • OSD will notify the student via email if a note-taker is secured

Accommodations Provided by Academic Departments

Classroom and Lab Accommodations

Since lab accommodations may vary greatly given the type of lab and the students' limitations, students are encouraged to contact the instructor responsible for the lab as soon as possible after enrolling.

If students need to request accommodations in Undergraduate Chemistry Lab classes, please contact

Students requiring accommodations, especially classroom and lab accommodations, in a Biological Sciences Laboratory course are strongly encouraged to present the Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter to the Division of Biological Sciences OSD Liaison prior to the start of the quarter in which the lab course will be taken.  Biology OSD accommodation and contact information may be found at the Biology website.

Exam/Quiz Accommodations

All exam/quiz accommodations are provided within each academic department unless a student needs adaptive equipment such as JAWS, Kurzweil, etc.

Students are urged to discuss exam/quiz accommodation arrangements with instructors as soon as they obtain their Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letters from the OSD.

The instructor may ask the student to work with another person on their behalf:

Once exam/quiz accommodation arrangements have been established for the quarter, students must contact instructor, OSD Academic Liaison, other staff member or Teaching Assistant (as appropriate) at least 72 university business hours, excluding holidays and weekends, (3 business days) in advance to CONFIRM accommodation arrangements (i.e., where you will take the exam/quiz, how you will obtain accommodations, etc.)

Students are responsible for starting the exam/quiz ON TIME. If students are eligible for extended time for exams/quizzes and students show up late, the exam/quiz time will not be extended to excuse tardiness.


Instructors and Departments: Be advised that if a student makes a request for exam/quiz accommodations within less than 72 university business hours and you are able to provide the accommodations, then you need to do so.

Campus Living

Housing, Dining, & Transportation

Students who are requesting accommodations related to on-campus housing and dining are encouraged to contact the OSD as soon as possible, particularly if modifications may need to be made to a physical space. Students must complete all paperwork and meet all housing deadlines; requesting accommodations does not exempt students from this process. Students who have already received housing assignments will not be reassigned to accommodate students with disabilities.

On-campus transportation assistance can be provided to students with temporary or permanent mobility impairments through Triton Transit: Mobility. The OSD will determine eligibility for participation in Triton Transit: Mobility, so please contact the OSD to schedule an appointment.

Academic Plan Modification

Reduced Course Load

Accommodations in this area may include a reduced course load or more time to complete a program. Students need to keep in mind that eligibility for these types of accommodations does not necessarily translate into additional financial aid, so students are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office to determine how this may affect them financially.

Application and supporting documents must be submitted to your college by Friday of the
2nd week of classes the quarter you apply for part-time status.