Student Veterans
The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) located at Pepper Canyon Hall – 3rd Floor on the UC San Diego campus welcomes student Veterans. We offer assistance to veterans with disabilities (service connected or non-service connected) to support a successful transition from military service to university life.
Disabling conditions may include the following: physical, psychological (anxiety, depression, PTSD), chronic health, acquired brain injuries, learning, and ADHD.
The OSD works with student veterans to determine reasonable accommodations in the following areas: classrooms/labs, exams, housing/dining/transportation, and programs.
We invite you to dialogue with us in a safe, confidential environment, and we look forward to hearing from you. We are also available to meet with student Veterans one-on-one in the Student Veterans Resources Center (SVRC).
Appointments (phone or in-person) can be made by calling 858.534.4382 or you may contact us by email at
Campus Resources:
Community Resources: