Reminders for Students Obtaining Accommodations Through the OSD Student Portal
On or after the first day of instruction, once you have received an email informing you that your Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letters have been shared electronically with your Instructors and the OSD academic department Liaisons OR you have obtained paper copies of your AFA letters from your OSD Specialist, you must arrange to meet with your instructors.
During your meeting with the Instructor/Liaison, review the course syllabus and discuss accommodation arrangements for each quarter.
To confirm your accommodations for exams/quizzes, contact your Instructor/OSD Liaison at least 72 university business hours, excluding holidays and weekends, (3 business days) in advance. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, your Instructor/OSD Liaison should already be aware of your accommodation needs because you followed the directions in Item #1! Instructors and departments: be advised that if a student makes a request for exam/quiz accommodations within less than 72 university business hours and you are able to provide the accommodations, then you need to do so.
You are responsible for starting the exam/quiz on time. If you are eligible for extended time for exams/quizzes and you show up late, the exam/quiz time WILL NOT be extended to excuse your tardiness.
You are responsible for bringing all items that you will need to the exam/quiz. These may included pens, pencils, calculators (if allowed or authorized as an accommodation), ear plugs, magnifying glass, blue books, scantrons, etc. You will NOT be allowed to bring any personal items (purses, backpacks, books, cell phones, laptops) into the exam room.
If assistance is needed and/or you feel that reasonable and appropriate accommodations are not being provided in a timely manner, you must contact the OSD immediately and request assistance from an OSD Staff Member. If issues remain unresolved, you may also contact the OSD Director.
Accommodations will not be provided retroactively.
If you withdraw from a class, please send an email to the Instructor, TA and OSD Liaison to inform them so that they may cancel any exam/quiz accommodation arrangements they may have made for you.
You may request accommodations for a subsequent quarter any time after registering for classes by emailing your OSD Specialist. You may be asked to obtain updated documentation that verifies your current functional limitations.
You are responsible for checking your email for announcements from the OSD, your Instructors, and OSD Liaisons. Exceptions may not be made for students who fail to receive, read and respond to their UCSD email in a timely manner. For information on your email account and procedures for forwarding messages to an alternate email address, visit